Sunday, June 22, 2014


I was born a worry wart. Always striving, always imagining the worst, and always controlling.
During the past few years the Lord has been teaching me about casting my anxieties on Him and trusting in His provisions as my Heavenly Father who cares for me.

Even as I look back to the worries I've had, I realize that 99% of the things I imagined would happen to me, did not happen. And even when what I anticipated did happen, the struggles I faced were used by Him to sanctify me and I ended up coming out of the fire with a more beautiful character than before.

I'm currently reading a book called The Glory of Christ written by a puritan named John Owen in the 1600s. It is quite a dense piece of literature, but I was recently told that if one had to choose between only reading modern books or only reading classic books, the wisest decision would be to read the classics as they will tax one's thinking powers unlike the predigested material we read in today's newspapers, magazines, and on social media.

That may have been a bit of a tangent, but what I am getting at is that Owen's 17th century wisdom has been enlightening to me concerning the topic of worry and suffering... Especially during this chapter of my life.

I very much enjoyed this excerpt:

"Our beholding by faith things that are not seen, things spiritual and eternal, will alleviate our afflictions, make their burdens light, and preserve our souls from fainting under them. Of these things the glory of Christ is the principal and in a due sense comprehensive of them all. For we behold the glory of God Himself 'in the face of Jesus Christ.' He that can at all times retreat in the contemplation of this glory will be carried above the perplexing, prevailing sense of any of these evils, of a confluence of them all. Crux nil sentit in nervo, dum animus est in coelo. (Translation: One does not feel the pain of the cross when his mind is on heavenly things.)" - John Owen, The Glory Of Christ

In other words, when the object of our meditations and thoughts is the glory of Christ, we have a stronghold and rest for our souls especially in times of affliction.

Where am I going with this? Well, this time in my life consists of many different stresses. From a worldly perspective, I am extremely susceptible to giving up on hope. I am a new college graduate, I have a fairly low income, I am marrying young in a country with a very high divorce rate, and I am hanging onto the hope that my fiance will find a full-time job in this crazy economy after he graduates from SDSU in December. Am I scared? Absolutely. But am I in despair as one might expect? Absolutely not. Is this because I am a strong, independent, level-headed woman, depending on my own might and strength to pull through?
Absolutely not.

So what is the reason for my hope? Where does my hope reside? My hope rests in my God who always provides for me, who cares for me, and from whom all blessings flow. By His grace, nothing can lead me to despair.

"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed..."
2 Corinthians 4:8-9

According to the world, the odds are against me. But my God is for me.

Because of His beautiful grace, I don't have to lay paralyzed, unable to face the day with all of its troublesome possibilities. I can work hard, love abundantly, and walk through the beauties and hardships of life while relying on Him.

Because of this truth, we Christians are more than conquerors. No trial, opposition, or any form of suffering could ever separate us from the love of our Father.

John Owen says it best:
"... it is the Lord Christ in whom our nature has been carried successfully and victoriously through all the oppositions that it is liable to, and even death itself."

Christ conquered death and my life, hidden in Him, is eternally secured. I need not worry and I need not strive.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Eric & Chelsey: Our Story and The Proposal

Our Story

Yesterday, Eric and I got engaged! I thought it would be fun to share our story (how we met, etc.) as well as how he proposed. 

During the summer and fall of 2012, I served as a leader in a high school ministry in Rancho Bernardo, CA. I was fairly new to the Christian faith and was just looking for ways to get involved in the church. The majority of my volunteering activities took place during Sunday night services in the youth room. There were several other leaders my age and we bonded pretty well during my short time there.

 It was around October when I noticed a more recent volunteer coming to our Sunday night festivities to help out. Eric looked a bit different than he does now but I was just as attracted to him. He had a sort of rebellious look... buzzed hair, wearing earrings and almost always had an LRG t-shirt on. I was immediately eager to meet him!

 I was smitten from the start. Eric had a quiet demeanor, an introvert like myself. He would often linger in the background, but not in a rude manner. I could tell Eric was a man of few words, a "mystery" some might say, but I absolutely loved that about him! I've never been attracted to the gregarious, loud, extroverted type so Eric was quite the fresh breath of air to me. 

Getting to know Eric was initially a challenge, as is the case for most introverts! I always tell everyone that I really didn't think Eric had any interest in me back then. In fact, I thought I didn't have a chance. We laugh about it now and his mother tells me it's a "Meissner thing" to hide feelings like Eric did. It sure did keep me on my toes!

After a couple of months of hanging out in groups, many awkward conversations, and coming up with silly excuses to text each other and sit near each other during group outings, things were slowly progressing and Eric finally asked me to coffee! (Yes, this was the first time I thought MAYBE he had an interest)

When we met for coffee, I immediately noticed how gentlemen-like Eric was. Conversation was very easy and smooth. We ended up staying a couple of hours at Starbucks, talking and laughing. We shared about our struggles, our upbringings, our families, and our hopes. It was joyous in every way. The one thing that stood out to me more than anything was Eric's passion for the Lord. I could tell by our conversations that his faith was robust, growing, and genuine. We went on a few more dates and I knew, even then, that Eric was the one for me. 

As I was falling more and more in love with the person I was getting to know, It was as if God was showing me little glimpses of the man Eric was becoming by His grace... and I knew I wanted to be a part of that. 

In January of 2013, Eric asked my dad if he could date me (something never done before) and we've been together for about 1 year and 6 months since! Our time together has been amazing. We've grown so much and have found that, as we both grow closer to the Lord, the relationship we have with each other grows tremendously stronger. We are so weird and silly and awkward and awesome together... I could just bore you all with my gushy talk about our relationship! ;) 

Okay, there is so much more I could say about Eric and how much I adore him, but I want to move on to the engagement story! 

The Proposal

So, just for the record, Eric and I have been marriage-minded since the beginning. We've both "dated just to date" in our pasts and knew we wanted to be with someone who had the common end goal of being in a God-glorifying marriage. 

I knew for some time that Eric MIGHT propose to me either in the summer or fall... but I had no idea when! I know now that Eric had to be very secretive in order to surprise me, as I am very tough to surprise! 

I came over to Eric's house after I got off work around 2:30ish... His car was there... but when I came inside... no Eric to be found! I thought, "That's very odd..." As I usually do, I went into the garage to grab a Vita Water. That's where I found note #1! 

The note had our very first picture on it, a very sentimental letter (which I will keep to myself ;) ) and an explanation of the adventure he had planned out for me. 

The first clue led me to his room upstairs... There I found roses and note #2. This note had another picture of us taken later in our relationship, a sentimental letter, and clue #2! (Are you seeing a pattern?)

Clue #2: " I think you should check out Justin's old room... my senses tell me you'll find something in there..." 

On to Justin's room! There was note #3 with a picture of us, sweet letter, a clue and a CD! 

I was told to listen to the CD while on my journey. 

Clue #3: "Your next hint is one of our favorite places to get dessert. - tell the cashier your name and that you're there for a note." 

Out to my car I dashed! I popped in the CD and instantly started crying as songs of our past came on (Journey, Phil Collins, Coldplay, and others) 

I stopped at In-the-Mix (our favorite froyo place) and did as I was told. I was handed note # 4 along with my favorite organic dark chocolate. 

Clue #4: " Your next hint is to go where we first met (Church at Rancho Bernardo)- find Nicole upstairs, she'll be able to help you.

And off I sped to the church where we first met!

Extra comic relief: there I was chowing down on half of the chocolate bar while sobbing to our favorite Coldplay song, "Green Eyes". Quite a sight to see!

I arrived at the church and found Nicole who gave me note # 5! 

Clue #5: "Your next hint is to go where you can find more seminary professors than anywhere (Hint: our new church) --- look outside on the patio" 

I hurried over to Escondido, and arrived at our church called New Life. I quickly got out of my car and jogged over to the patio where I found a table with flowers and a note waiting for me. 

All the note said was:

"This page represents the story we will write TOGETHER.  Congratulations, you won! And so have I."

Suddenly I looked to my right and Eric was standing there smiling. I instantly started to cry...the ugly, unflattering kind of cry. 

He said to me, " I hope you can tell by the notes and your little journey how much I love you. You are such a blessing to me. The reason I picked this place, New Life, is because its name has a double-meaning. We've been given new life in Jesus, we've also been given new life together. I wanted us to remember this place as where we started our new life together." 

Eric then got down on one knee, and I can't even remember what he said after that because I was so excited and emotional! 

I think I said something like, "Yes!" ;) 

I am so eager to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. Chelsey Meissner... has a nice ring to it. No pun intended! But I do absolutely LOVE the ring.

Here are some photos of the event... these were taken by the very sneaky Miles Grimes who was apparently taking pictures the whole time! I love them...

Happiest day of my life... so far! 


Well, I suppose I should begin with a bit about myself:
I was born in the wrong era (an "old soul", they say)
I have a wonderful fiance named Eric
I love eating clean, drinking coffee, reminiscing, reading theology, and being active.
I am a fan of cats, Fleetwood Mac, old movies, vinyls, and ancestry (a more recent hobby). 

I intend to use this blog to share truth, joys, laughs, thoughts, as well updates on my journey towards marriage.