Sunday, March 8, 2015

Marriage Life and Thoughts on Our Future...

So, it's been a million years since I have written anything on my blog. I decided maybe it was time to write a little update on life since I'm, you know, married and all.

Eric and I got married on January 10th, 2015!

It went PERFECTLY. Here's a video:

Wow, can you believe it?! 
Yeah neither can I.

Sometimes I look at Eric and think, "Holy cow, we're married! I'm a wife! You're my husband!" 
And yes, it does give me happy butterflies. 

God has really provided more than either of us ever prayed for or imagined. (and we prayed A LOT)

I am working full-time for christianaudio Inc. as a Production Information Coordinator/ Wholesale Account Assistant (I know. long title.) 
Eric got hired on as a Senior Sales Team Leader for Target. He loves it so far!

Here's just a little secret: 
Eric and I had been musing over the idea of him attending law school.

He's a smarty pants and has always been interested in the legal field. 
So what became of this musing? Well, he took the LSAT. Didn't do as good as he had hoped (based on previous practice tests)... but we said WHAT THE HECK! and just decided to apply to law school.

In a few months we were left with 3 solid options. They don't sound very attractive to most but, nonetheless, I was excited.  

University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
University of Kansas,
& University of Oklahoma.

I know what you're thinking. "Ew! The Midwest??"
Yep. He's a Midwest boy. And, hey, I would love to live anywhere cheaper than California!

Soooo.. what became of these options? Well, we REALLY considered them. Like REALLY. 
There were days we were totally sure we'd end up in one of these places.

Here are some things we learned about law school that determined our decision-making process:

  1. Law School is A LOT of money! Yes, even the cheapest ones (which happen to be all three of our options) are at least $100,000 total. YUCK! That's a lot of loans. 
  2. Where one decides to go to law school is where one will most likely end up practicing law for the rest of their life. Yes, this means we would be Huskers, Jayhawks, or Sooners FOR LIFE!
  3. The legal market SUCKS right now. This is something we were warned about by many people. Unless you go to a top 14 school, your chances of finding a job are very slim. 
  4. If he ends up practicing in any of these states, there's a high chance we will not be making enough to pay off the loans as quickly as we would desire to. No, not all lawyers are filthy rich.
  5. "But a law degree looks great on your resume even if you don't become an attorney!" FALSO! It's actually like wearing scarlet letter. You'll either be overqualified and/or considered a flake for not becoming a lawyer like you originally set out to do.
  6. And finally, Lawyers have the highest dissatisfaction rate of all careers and it is VERY difficult to make a career change if you desire to do so.
Here are some PROS to staying where we're at:
  1. We want to start a family. Yes, eventually I'm going to start popping out babies (Lord-willing) and we do not want to do this until we are financially stable. If we went to law school, we'd potentially have to wait another 5 years before that time comes! With the hopes of 4 kids, that means I'd be pushing 36 when we have our last child. We don't really want that.
  2. We both want me to be a stay-at-home mom. Again, this would mean living on one income. We most likely won't be able to do that while in $100,000 debt.
  3. Eric has a great job. God has truly blessed us with Eric's job as a Senior Team Leader at Target. There seems to be a promising future ahead with growth-opportunities. Again, this is all in the Lord's hands.
  4. I love my job. Yes, I really really do. I would HATE to leave so quickly!
  5. We are closer to family. Yes, California is ridiculously expensive compared to other states, but there's nothing like being close to family. I do want my children to see their grandparents more than once a year!
CONS of staying in California:
  • THE WEATHER: Sorry guys, I am a storm-chaser at heart. I don't care what you say, California loses points for having extremely unexciting weather! I want snow, storms, and tornadoes. Yes, tornadoes.
So, by now you can probably guess what our decision is.
We've had long talks about this ... very long talks. And, ultimately, Eric calls the shots. This was HIS dream.

Thankfully, I have an amazing husband who respects and serves me even though he is the head of our home. He would rather ensure that he is the provider he's called to be than put our family in danger by making a foolish decision. (Disclaimer: I fully support Eric and his dreams. But thankfully he honors his calling as a husband and future father more than his career)

Once in pre-marital counseling, 
Eric pointed to me and said to our pastor, "I want to be a provider for them."  
"Them?" I thought, sitting on the other end of the couch by myself. 
By "them" he was referring to our future children. Oh how my heart fluttered when he said that! He is awesome.

We are very, very blessed right where we are. 

 P.S. I chopped my hair off
 xoxo. Chelsey Meissner