Monday, April 25, 2016

That's right, I might be a Marine's wife!

Yes, you read that correctly. We may be signing our lives away to the military! Eric and I are very, very excited about this opportunity that God has blessed us with. 

First, I'll give you a little back story and then I'll do some explaining on what this could mean for us in the future.


My husband has always wanted to serve in the Military. He comes from a military family so he is quite familiar with it. His grandpa is retired Navy and taught at the Naval Academy for a while, his dad was an Air Force Officer and is now an Air Force Chaplain, his brother was enlisted Navy, and his uncle Navy also. 

Aside from familiarity, Eric has been passionate about the military for as long as I've known him and, several different times in our relationship, we both prayed about the possibility of him joining. 

Eric has also felt called to be an attorney. He's in law school currently, as you know. From the get-go, Eric would tell me, "I'm gonna be a military JAG." For those who don't know what that means, it's a Judge Advocate General, basically an attorney for the military. Of course, I kind of poo-pooed the idea. The JAG corps is REALLY tough to get into and is very competitive. For a while, several of the branches weren't even hiring JAGs because of the economy. Needless to say, this boy ALWAYS finds a way and never ceases to amaze me.

So why the Marines? Good question. There's always a healthy rivalry among the different branches and Eric explored all of them. USMC was always one of his favorite branches because of the rich history, honor, and camaraderie.  I mean, there are hundreds of reasons to love Marines, and in my opinion, they have the snazziest uniforms ;) Should he make it through, Eric will be the first to ever be a Marine in his family.

Out of 8 excellent law students from different regions, Eric was among 2 that were selected to go to USMC Officer Candidate School this summer. I can only say that this was purely the grace of God. Aside from his other accomplishments, Eric had a high physical fitness score of 290 and a letter of recommendation from the Major that helped his application stand out. God is good... I was in tears when he got the call.

So what does all of this mean for us?

 Well, it means that Eric will be in Quantico, Virginia for 10 weeks this summer. He will be enduring what will probably be the most physically, and mentally challenging 10 weeks of his life in order to prove that he can be a leader in the Marines. 

"So like, is he going to Boot Camp?" No. This isn't USMC boot camp. From what many have told us, OCS is, in many ways, tougher than enlisted boot camp. There are very high standards and much more is expected out of you. Plus, the mission is different for an officer than for an enlisted Marine which is why they are trained differently. 

Basically, In enlisted boot camp they try to pass everyone unless you quit or get injured. 
In OCS they won't hesitate to kick you out if you are not USMC officer material.
OCS is much more of a test/screening-process and less of a guarantee.

Among all of the branches, USMC Officer Candidate School is the most difficult. The attrition rate is a staggering 60 - 70%. Most drops are due to quitting, injuries/illness, leadership or academic failures, or integrity issues. In the Marines, it doesn't matter if you're going to be commissioned as a lawyer, pilot, or tech... the motto is, you are a Marine first and foremost. This is why each of them must pass the grueling physical and mental tests in order to be commissioned as an officer. Thankfully, Eric is extremely motivated. This was HIS idea and is HIS lifelong dream so there will be no quitting on his part.

If you're interested in watching a YouTube video about what OCS will be like, click here

Anyways, Lord-willing, Eric will graduate mid-August and then it's just two more years of law school and taking the bar. After that, we'll be stationed in northern Virginia for 6 months, then it's 10 weeks of Naval Justice School in Rhode Island and then we could be stationed anywhere. At that point, Eric will be a Captain. The most likely stations for a JAG are in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Southern California, Hawaii, and Japan. Woo! I'm really excited about potentially getting to live in so many different places. 

There's a high chance of being stationed in Beaufort, South Carolina - where Forrest Gump was filmed.

And just to address some common questions I know I will get:
No, he won't be front-lines in war. He'll be an attorney so deployments won't be the same as they are for enlisted guys.

No, (assuming he makes it), we won't be in Oklahoma forever. Sad :( I will miss it.

Yes, this means we could potentially be back in San Diego, CA. However, I'd really love to live other places first.

No, I won't be able to go see him at all this summer for a whopping 10 weeks! Thankfully, I have so many awesome people here for me in Oklahoma and I will be on my knees praying most of that time. Eric and I will be able to communicate by writing letters and then he will be able to call me when he has time after the first 4 weeks. In August, his family and I will be there to watch him graduate, Lord-willing!

Eric did attend an optional Pre-OCS this weekend in Texas with other candidates. It was three days of a 'taste' of what the real thing will be like, aka hell. He did excellent there despite how challenging it was. He is in really great shape right now and has been receiving a lot of help and advice from friends and colleagues who have graduated from USMC OCS so he's feeling confident.

Remember y'all, none of this is totally official yet. Anything can happen this summer in Virginia. But we want to rejoice now, because it's an awesome opportunity and, of course, we want to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

We will be keeping you posted throughout the weeks and Eric will eventually get to update you via social media when he has liberty. But for now, please pray for his continual preparations. He's got finals in a few weeks and then two weeks off until he ships out on May 28th.

No matter what happens, we know it is in God's hands. Should the Lords take it away, it will be for our good and he will lead Eric to a new career path, but should the Lord carry him through to graduation day, we will be overjoyed and my husband will be able to serve our country as a Marine Judge Advocate General. Isn't that awesome?!

LOL... Eric loves this show, I had to throw it in here.

Regardless, His will be done. We are so thankful for this opportunity. 
If you'd like to follow the Facebook page that will be posting updates and photos of his class at OCS, you can like this page

I will be keeping y'all updated on how to write him and, more importantly, how you can be praying for him. Thank you everyone for your continual support. We would not be able to pursue our dreams without such loving friends and family! 

xoxo, A Law Student's Wife

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Facebook… the double-edged sword

This is a topic that has been heavy on my heart. Facebook can be a great thing and yet it can be so destructive. I’d like to shed some light on how I intend to use Facebook and how I view it in the grand scheme of reality.  

Facebook… what a double-edged sword. Most days I am thankful for it and how it has connected me to friends and family. It has given me the ability to keep up with people I otherwise would have lost touch with. It has given me a voice and a channel through which I can share my heart and the gospel with others. Heck, even introverts have a voice in Facebook. That’s awesome! Years ago, if you were not loud and proud, you were not heard. Through the blessing of social media, any voice is heard and even the smallest of people are able to impact thousands. And yes, I do believe one’s mind can be changed through the fostering of rich conversation on Facebook!

Other days, though, I am tired and saddened by the negative uses of Facebook. While most of us have a pixelated profile picture and our real names listed on our page, one still maintains a level of anonymity and protection because you are sitting in front of a screen and not across the table from the person you’re slamming. Nowhere else… in my honest opinion… is the condition of our heart most revealed. What we say on Facebook reveals the true condition of our hearts.

Some would argue that Facebook has created bullies. I would argue that it has not created bullies but rather given a channel through which people who were already bullies can do what their hearts lead them to do… bully! Truly, Facebook does not create… Facebook BRINGS OUT what is already there. 

That girl who vents too often on social media… Facebook has not made her this way, rather, she would be thriving on attention with or without Facebook. That cage-stage Calvinist… he likely would be stirring up arguments with a self-righteous attitude with or without Facebook. That mother who brags about her child too often. She would still think her child is the greatest of them all with or without Facebook.  Facebook just gives people the opportunity to sin more often and openly. In that way, it can quickly reveal the state of our hearts.

Matthew 12:34,
Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

It is out of the abundance of our heart that we post status updates. It is out of the abundance of our heart that we share things. It is out of the abundance of our heart that we write blogs. It is out of the abundance of our heart that we debate, argue, ridicule, gossip, mock. It is out of the abundance of our heart that we use Facebook. That is hard for me to admit. Truly, I am saying these things to myself as well.

Let me explain how I treat my Facebook page: 

Facebook, to me, is like my living room. It is not like the public square where one might open-air preach. When I step out into a public square and open my mouth, I am inviting anyone and everyone to say whatever they want to me, however they wish to say it. I DO NOT do this with Facebook. You can come into my living room and you can agree or disagree with me. But, if you start insulting me, if you start damaging my reputation through malicious and wicked comments, if you attempt to publicly humiliate me or my loved ones, I am not going to allow it. 

If I err, my true friends on Facebook are not going to slap me across the face in a public forum. My true friends are going to private message me. Those who do not care about me and do not love me are the ones who slap me across the face publicly. THAT, I will not tolerate.

Truly, I have felt convicted in this area myself. Have I used Facebook for evil instead of for good? Yes! And I regret that and ask for God’s forgiveness. I think we all need to be aware of how we are using social media and our motives behind what we are posting. 

Did you post that to hurt someone else or to make someone else feel lesser? I know I’ve felt targeted by certain individuals and what they post. Often times the timing of a post is too obvious and it’s easy to see that the intention behind what they posted and that it was posted at a specific person. If this has been done to you, the ‘hide’ or ‘unfollow’ button comes in handy. If you’ve posted something in passive aggression, please take into the consideration that whomever you are targeting is a real human being, with a pulse, with feelings, with a soul, made in the image of God.

I get tired of people saying “Chill out! Facebook is not real life!” While Facebook is not all of reality, it is still part of reality because none of us are truly anonymous bots. We’re humans behind a screen. The fact that we are communicating behind a screen does not make us any less human. What you say to me behind a screen does not make your words any less real. So the “Facebook is not real life” argument is invalid and typically an excuse to be a bully.

Now before I end on a sad note, I want to say that I love that social media has given me the chance to share my heart and to share truth. Even this blog post would not be able to reach other people if it were not for Facebook. What a gift that is! I have had wonderful, insightful conversations with brothers and sisters who care about me and want to show me truth. I’ve created stronger friendships and connected with individuals who live thousands of miles away from me. 

Facebook is a blessing and is not inherently evil. All I am saying is that we can use Facebook for evil. And that is not okay.

I hope this post helps you look at your own heart and helps you ponder on the question, “Am I using Facebook for good or for evil?”

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Matthew 15:18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.
Proverbs 12:18 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Matthew 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,
Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 13:3 Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.
Colossians 3:8 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your
Proverbs 21:23 Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

xoxo, A Law Student’s Wife

Monday, April 4, 2016

Beware of Legalism

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." Eph. 2:8

We are saved by grace through faith. We are called to be obedient and saving faith always produces obedience in one’s life… but the rules and obedience to the rules is not what saves us. It's easy become too caught up in externals, “Alcohol is evil, sex is bad, watching movies is bad, all secular music is evil, makeup is bad, etc…” When we do this, we are being legalistic and we are actually continuing in bondage. This type of mindset leads to pride, self-righteousness, little to no grace with other people, and a superiority complex. 

Don’t get me wrong, we should be passionate about following God’s law and we are called to holiness but when take what God created to be good and call it evil, we are doing more harm than good by throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sex, alcohol, dancing, makeup, etc.… none of these things are inherently evil. Context matters. Sex within the confines of marriage is good, alcohol without drunkenness is good and is to be enjoyed in moderation, Make up is not bad in itself and can be worn wisely. We could go on and on…

Genesis 1:31 “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good”

I'd also like to note that the term "legalism" is thrown out a bit too much in our churches. One can simply be discussing the important topics of modesty, sexual sin, cursing, keeping the Sabbath holy, etc. and someone is bound to call them a legalist. It is NOT legalistic to encourage believers to obey God's law. It IS legalistic to act as if obeying specific rules is a means to salvation. At the same time, we mustn’t be antinomians who say, “Woohoo! We can do whatever we want and God will forgive us!” Using God’s grace as a ticket to sin displays an unregenerate heart. Sin should not be taken lightly and is the very reason Jesus died on the cross for us. We should strive for holiness and mortify sin daily with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s be careful not to swing the pendulum to either side. 

Here’s an excerpt from the book Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis about legalism. The book contains correspondence between a senior devil, Screwtape, and his obstreperous and incompetent nephew, Wormwood, a "young fiend." All of the letters are from Screwtape to Wormwood, and the subject of the correspondence is a human being, newly converted to Christianity, whom Screwtape refers to as "the patient." Throughout the correspondence, Screwtape tries to help Wormwood tempt the patient away from Heaven and into Hell. 

“Dear Cousin Gall, 
We are excited to write to you regarding the new training we have received from our great mentor. He has come up with a wonderful ploy to create havoc with the enemy. We know that hordes of converts have gone over to the side of our most hated one. We are not able to unconvert them, for once they are converted to Him, He keeps them on His side. So what can we do? Our great leader advises a new way by which we can paralyze them to make their impact in our domain slight. 
How is that? The principal means is by stealing their liberty. We can do that by binding them with chains where God has left them free. We will direct their attention to a different law, a false law, a new law. We’ll tell them that what obedience to the enemy really requires is that they refrain from dancing, from smoking, from wearing lipstick, and from going to movies. By putting the accent there, we can keep their attention away from pursuing real righteousness and the fruit of the Spirit. In a word, the strategy we will employ is to make them legalists. 
Of course, we know that it is not legalism to obey the law of God, but it is legalism to think that the enemy’s law is something different from what it is. We must work hard to fool them, to tell them that true righteousness comes by obeying these cultural standards that we will suggest to the church. We’ll get people so caught up with refraining from these worldly things that they will be paralyzed and confused about what true righteousness is. We’ll also get them to think that by keeping this new law, their works will save them. 
If we’re not able to convince them altogether of this false law, then we’ll give them an unbalanced view of the real law, that is, we’ll encourage them to act like the Pharisees of old by majoring in minors, by obeying lesser items of the law while ignoring the weightier matters. This is part of the strategy of keeping them unbalanced and paralyzed. If we can accomplish this stratagem, then perhaps our gates will prevail against them. 
Your Master,Legion”

xoxo, The Law Student's Wife