Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fitness doesn’t have to be hard, painful, expensive, or time-consuming

The biggest excuses I hear from people about not working out/getting healthy are:

“Well, that’s great for you but I can’t afford to eat healthy”
“Running, weight-lifting, etc. is too hard!”
“I don’t have any time to workout.”
“I am just not an athletic person. I wasn’t born with athletic talents like you.”

Okay, for real, if I had a penny for every time I heard one of these excuses, I would be able to pay for law school out of pocket. 

Let’s go through and address each excuse:

“Well, that’s great for you but I can’t afford to eat healthy or get fit.

This is a sticky one. I am in no way advocating that you ONLY buy organic food. Organic food can be dang expensive and I get that! However, making room for fruits, veggies, and lean proteins is not hard to do. Think about it, if you’re current diet and grocery run consists of junk upon junk, you can totally make room for healthy options. 

First off, you would no longer be buying the snacks, desserts, and no longer eating out. 
That saves a ton of money! 

Secondly, since you’ll be eating more substantial, vitamin-enriched foods, you will be fuller and more satisfied and you may find that you won’t be going through food as quickly. 

Example: When I was in college I gained weight by eating a LOT of cereal. When I decided to change my lifestyle/eating habits, I cut out the cereal and ate a healthier, more satisfying breakfast. One bowl of oats and maybe some eggs kept me full and not wanting to eat more than one serving! It already felt like I was eating a lot because the food I was eating was healthy and dense. 

AKA saving food and money.

Next, you’ll find that places like Walmart and Costco (Sam’s Club for me in Oklahoma) have the best deals. Learning to shop smart goes a long way! 

On the other hand, fitness can be so cheap! Let’s say you were going to take on running. If you were running 15-20 miles a week, you’d only have to replace your $80 shoes every 33 weeks! That’s almost once a year! Plus, nothing beats a cheap gym membership. Almost every town has a gym or local YMCA that costs as little as $10 a month, contract-free. How can you beat that?

Also, the best fitness resources can be used free! My FitnessPal, Nike Running, and other apps can be downloadedfor free. is an amazing resource with free workouts and forums & articles where you can self-educate and learn from othersThere are many, many more free resources.

In short, it can be done. Easily. Take it from me, a dirt-poor Law Student’s wife.

“Running, weight-lifting, etc. is too hard!” & “I am just not an athletic person. I wasn’t born with athletic talents like you.”

Okay I want to lump these two together because I hear these more than all of the other excuses. Was I always a decent runner? No! Was I always in the shape I’m in? No! In fact, I was the slowest girl on my cross country team in middle school. No joke, my parents thought it was the saddest thing. I was NOT born a runner. I was made a runner.

Was it hard when I started getting serious about running, YES, it was! But my desire to do well and get better at it eliminated the dread of running. I’m being totally serious. When people say, “How can you run for fun?!” I always want to tell them how easy it is now that I’m used to doing it regularly. 

Now, depending on your current fitness level, it may take you longer than it did me for it to finally feel comfortable and even “easy”. But you will get there if you put in the old-fashioned thing called “Hard Work!” 

I’m not bragging. I’m simply saying that the body is an amazing thing. It adjusts and evolves to whatever you put it through. Of course it’s hard at first but, hold fast, it WILL get easier. 

Plus, once it becomes a habit, you begin to enjoy it. I NEVER thought I’d enjoy running when I was younger, but as it became a regular habit of mine, I began to see the beauties of it: being in the beautiful outdoors, feeling the endorphin release, having time for just myself and God. It became much less of a chore. 

Finally, getting healthy does not mean you need to be a Crossfitter. I don’t recommend that for most people anyways. Just look at your life right now, obviously, if you are out of shape or overweight, you are doing something wrong. Something is not working. So what is the solution? Baby steps. Make one small change every day if you need to. You don’t need to jump right in to a crazy workout routine. In fact, I don’t recommend that either! Find something you enjoy. I have a coworker that has bad joints so he’s taking up swimming! There is always something you can do and it will be better than laying on the couch. 

Side note: Healthy eating can be enjoyable too. Most people, including myself, have found that the cleaner we eat, the less we crave or even enjoy eating junk. You can make so many modifications anyways. Healthy brownies? You bet. 

Remember, old habits die hard BUT they do die eventually. And once they do, what most people call “too hard” “not fun” will be easy and fun to you. 

“I don’t have any time to workout.”

This one makes me laugh. 30 minutes people. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED. 30 minutes. Do you watch TV at night? Do have an hour lunch break at work? Do you stay up too late for no good reason? 

Then you can make time for 30 minutes of quality exercise. 


Running for 30 minutes can burn up to 500 calories depending on your fitness level. 


Do you have YouTube and internet? Look up Fitness Blender workouts. They are a couple that film HIIT, Cardio, and Strength workouts… many using just body weight and they are no longer than 30-45 minutes. 



In sum:


If there’s a will, there’s a way. If you are an average Joe and you truly want to be fit and healthy, I guarantee you can. I’m not saying fitness and health need to be the number one priority in your life. It isn’t in mine! I sure do enjoy spending time with friends and family more than spending hours in the gym. And you don’t even need to invest THAT much into it. Overall, when you really look at the big picture, these are minuscule and tiny sacrifices you’d be making for a lifetime of health and wellness. 


Now take a hard look at the reasons you won’t make a change and ask yourself, “Is this just an excuse? Am I truly afraid of making positive changes for my health today?”



Saturday, December 5, 2015

A letter to my 18-year-old self.

So it is a month before my 24th birthday and I have been reflecting on my past quite a bit. 

Why?  Maybe it’s because moving halfway across the country makes you lose yourself a bit in the unfamiliarity so you find yourself digging deep into memories to hold onto anything familiar.
It could also be that, hey, a lot has happened this past year and sometimes it’s cool to look back see how much God has done! 

Aside from my 24th birthday on January 9th, our first wedding anniversary is coming up on January 10th and that’s sort of a big deal!

All of that to say, I am astounded at how much I have blossomed and changed over the years. Particularly from the time I was 18… that is when things really began to look up. I know that hindsight is always 20/20 and that many times the best way to learn is through mistakes, but there is SO much I wish I could tell my 18-year-old self to prevent some major heartache and to encourage her. Of course, I’m barely 24 and I have sooo much more to learn so when I’m 30, I’ll write another letter :) 

Here it goes…

Dear 18-year-old Me, 

I will start on a positive note: life does get better for you! And it will very soon.
Please believe me when I say, there is a solution, a remedy, for the hole you feel inside yourself.
No, the solution isn’t a boy. In fact, you have terrible taste in men. I’m sorry, BOYS not men.
Just because he texts you every day doesn’t mean he really loves you. You read into his texts way too much. Boys will say anything to get what they really want. Yes, that is all he wants… Dad was right. On that note, please don’t go over to his house alone. Remember when you would get mad at Dad for not letting you go to his house alone? Yes, I know you are rebelling against Dad now but, trust me, nothing good happens when do. You will be left with a bigger hole. 

Also, it is unfortunate that you turned so many good guys down. They were nice guys. They were men, not boys. And you just thought they were all too boring. You’ll deeply regret breaking all of those hearts later in life. Don’t worry, another good one will come along and you will finally have your head on straight when that time comes. 

Speaking of heartbreaks, you will be hurt by some mean girls and their poor insecure, miserable selves. Please know this: it’s not you, it’s them. They will spread some pretty nasty rumors about you. I know it hurts, but they are hurting more, that is why they enjoy watching you hurt. Misery loves company I guess. But please, don’t hate them and don’t grow bitter. They have some serious issues going on in their personal lives, you will discover that in a couple of years, and then you will understand. For now, please pray for them and forgive relentlessly. You will be better off that way. 

Also, I know life at home is really rough. You and Mom don't like each other and she and Dad fight too much. It will pass.They will finally get a divorce and it will be really painful. All of the skeletons will come out of the closet and that will be painful too. Please know that it is possible to have a happy and healthy marriage. It really is, I promise. The cycle can broken.

How many times did you look in the mirror today and over-analyze yourself? Don’t do that anymore. You are built differently than other girls. And that’s okay. Please start eating more protein. Your body is weak and you are exhausted. Give yourself a break. You aren’t fat. And even if you were, that would not affect your worth one bit. Now go eat a cookie. 

I know you are obsessed with running but believe me when I say, you will get over that obsession. No, you will never make the Olympics, and that’s okay too. You hate that your parents pressure you in running and that your hometown just sees you as the cross-country super star. It really kills you. Don’t worry, it will pass. You’ll move on and you will realize how much more to life there is. 

Oh and PLEASE, PLEASE, stop coloring your hair. Your natural color is actually quite nice. You will grow to like it. As of now, you’ve been frying it with bleach and dye and flat irons. It is doing tremendous damage and it will take a while to repair on its own. Warning: your hairdresser will accidentally dye your hair black the day before the senior picnic. Just sayin’, it might be best to wear a hood that day.

Umm, also, I know you have recently received a running scholarship to go to college, but I have some advice. Please get an internship and get involved on campus sooner than your senior year. When you go in for interviews after graduation, no one will really care that you ran your butt off to pay for college. Some will, but most won’t. They will want to know what your work experience is. It’s really sad actually; I still think it’s unfair. But that’s just how it works! Either way, you’ll get through it and God will provide.   

Next, and most importantly, there is a God and he loves you more than you know. There is nothing YOU can do to make him love you more. That hole you have can be filled with a love and peace that surpasses all understanding. You will soon come to know God very intimately through his Son, Jesus Christ. I know that sounds weird and stupid to you right now, but this Truth will change your life forever. Trust me, this Jesus… he is more than a teacher, example, or historical figure. He is your only hope in this life and the next. You can stop trying so hard now. You can’t earn your salvation. But he can, and he did. He did it for you… on the cross. In fact, when you finally understand this, your heart will be so impacted and changed by his grace, you will have no option but to respond with gratitude. He will change your life profoundly.

Lastly, there is a man for you. His name is Eric. You’ll meet him at church (I know, CHURCH… you can’t believe it now) He will love you more than those stupid boys you’ve obsessed over. In fact, he will be the second best thing that will ever happen to you. He will be a true partner, loving you truly and selflessly. He will actually know your favorite songs, movies, and be able to finish your sentences for you. He will value you more than any guy you’ve ever known, only wanting the best for you and not once pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do. He will value purity and the sanctity of marriage (I know you thought guys like that didn’t exist). You will fall in love and he will ask your father for your hand in marriage. You two will marry at the ripe age of 22 & 23. Yes, you will get married before you’re 35 believe it or not. Oh, and you will move to Oklahoma with him. “OKLAHOMA?! EW!” Trust me, you’ll love that place more than you think you will.

For now, please know that regardless of your stupid mistakes, ugly heartaches, and lack of experience, you will get through this. There’s a light waiting for you. God will escort you there… and then, before you know it, YOU will be ME sitting here writing this to you, marveling at HIS beautiful plan and providence. He is good. All of the time.   

 Love, the almost-24-year-old You. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Aunt Flow Finally Stopped By After Years Without Her...

Oh boy, I bet you already know what the title is referring to...
Prepare yourself for some TMI...


Yes. That's right. My first natural, not hormone induced, no birth-control pill, totally real period.

I've been waiting 4 years for this!! 2.5 of those years I was on the pill which obviously makes you have a period.

Many of you read my eating disorder story and how I was left without a menstrual cycle and put on the pill. I was warned that I may never have my fertility back. I was on the pill for a while and decided to stop for my own health.

When I finally mustered up enough courage to get off hormonal birth control pills, I worried A LOT about whether or not I would get a real cycle back. I had heard horror stories of women not getting their periods back for up to a year after quitting the pill! Uhh no way... I was not excited about that.

Not getting my period meant that my estrogen and progesterone levels were out of wack and, in turn, my acne, stomach problems, and a whole host of other issues would return. I did NOT want that to happen. And to be honest, I really just wanted to know that I could ovulate. No ovulation = infertility.

BUT things turned out much better than expected. After a month and a half off the pill and no period... I woke up last Saturday morning and... HELLO Aunt Flow!

I pretty much danced around the house. The fact that I have my cycle back means:

1) I ovulated. That's right... I can most likely have children. Woot woot! (not anytime soon friends)

2) My happy hormones explains why the acne has not returned! I've always gotten a pimple or two here and there but when my hormones were screwed up from overexercising, the acne was unbearable. So thankful I've not experienced that.

3) Happy, balanced hormones = Happy, balanced Chelsey. I have clarity and am happier. When you aren't pumping synthetic hormones into your body, it's amazing how much better you feel.

What's even better is: the flow was normal,  consistent, and lasted about 5 days.
The only symptoms I experienced was PMS and some bloating...
After being without a natural period for so long, I had forgotten what those symptoms felt like!
I had never had bad cramps or symptoms before, so none of those symptoms were unbearable. Thank you Jesus.

So, go ahead and laugh. I'm still celebrating my happy hormones :)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

What the heck...

One of my favorite movie scenes (don't judge, it's not that insightful, at all actually)
Risky Business, starring Tom Cruise, 1983
Miles: Sometimes you gotta say "What the F!*%", make your move. Joel, every now and then, saying "What the F!*%", brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future. So your parents are going out of town. You got the place all to yourself.
Joel Goodson: Yeah.
Miles: What the f!*%.

Ain't it the truth?!

I am a chronic worrier. I joke about this to many friends and family. And sadly, more people than I'd like to list can relate. Our society is a stressful, fast-paced one. More stress = more anxiety. Anxiety is caused when our natural, neurological tranquilizers are suppressed by stress. When my doctor diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I knew the cause was three-fold: Genetics, Upbringing, and Stress. That said, it is never a surprise when I find myself anxious particularly during a new, stress-filled season in life.Yes, it does bother me when people act like this is my fault. It certainly is not, as I have studied anxiety more. And as much as I wish it would go away with a simple and assertive "Just STOP IT!" That doesn't help much either. It's all about baby steps in the right direction. Baby steps to freedom.

What does Joel say to Miles? Sometimes you just gotta give it up. Surrender! There, with your white flag raised high, you will find true freedom. Thankfully, my anxiety has subsided significantly the last two weeks. Through the darkest of seasons, God always reminds me why I need to be in his Word. It fills and refreshes my soul. Dark times also lead me into ferocious prayer. Really, I mean ferocious. The kind that brings you to your knees... to tears. The kind that surrenders all and says whole-heartedly, "Thy will be done." True freedom right there.

So this week, I've been learning to say "What the Heck!" (No F-bombs droppin from this girl's mouth... at least not in front of anyone! :))

Here goes some recent "what the hecks":

- Oh no, I totally just ate that whole Panera cookie... I was being so good today! Oh but it was so good... what the heck!
- *Makes bad joke* Nobody laughs... Sheesh, how could I be so stupid?! Ugh, everyone thinks I'm so weird.... *giggles at my own joke*.... what the heck!
- Wow, she died of heart failure?! Oh gosh... I'm starting to feel sick. My heart! Woah... that didn't feel normal at all..... You know what.... God's had my days numbered even before I was born. What the heck!
- *gets home from work and the house is a mess* Ahh! What has happened in here?! I need to get all of this back together right now! But... I'm hungry. What the heck, it can wait.
- Hmmm my butt looks big in these pants... Oh geez! It is HUGE! Eric look at my butt!
  Eric: "Hmmm looks the same to me! Your butt isn't huge. Nicki Minaj... now she's got a HUGE butt!" True.... what the heck!
- Holy cow.. look at her biceps! I want arms like that. Who am I kidding... I am too weak! I can't even do a pull up because my arms are so small. Maybe I should just skip arm day... it's doing no good anyway...... NO... What am I doing to myself? What the heck... here we go... arm workout #100
- *wakes up in middle of night stressed out* *writes mental note of tomorrow's, I mean today's todo list*  Ah! What the heck... it can wait.
- Woah! Now that was just plain rude... Why am I targetted like this?.... Ha! Oh yeah, I don't care! What the heck!

When you build your house upon the rock, it cannot be shaken. That is my goal everyday. Saying, "What the heck!" to the stresses of life, the mean and crazy people, and the vivid imagination I have, and handing it over to the one whose ways and thoughts are higher than mine.


xoxo, The Law Student's wife.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Why believers shouldn't be surprised when people are offended...

We are called to suffer for Christ. It saddens me when Christians shy away from sharing the gospel, and therefore suffering, because they would rather live comfortably by pleasing man rather than God. I am very guilty of this. There are many times I would rather someone like me than know that I am a Christian. But I know that by doing this, I am not doing what I am called to do. 

Now, hear me out, I am all about being respectful and kind… God calls us to love… even those who do not believe! But when we make even tiny adjustments to the gospel to avoid the possibility of others getting offended, we are committing an injustice to them by not telling them the truth that saves… Any plus or minus to the gospel results in no gospel at all: 

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.” Galatians 1:6-7

Yes, it sucks to be persecuted, particularly when all you want to do is please the Lord. In fact, many times I find that others will get offended even when I say nothing at all! All I have to say is that I am a Christian and BOOM someone is offended. You can be sweet as pie while sharing the gospel and people will find it invasive and rude regardless. Why? I firmly believe that the gospel, in many ways, is naturally offensive to unbelievers.

 1) It says that we are more sinful than we could ever imagine.

The first time I came to understand this, I felt helpless. This truth, if understood, can bring one to their knees in shame and guilt. For others this truth instantly results in defensiveness. “Who are you to say I am a sinner? Who are you to say what is right and wrong? Let me live how I want to live.” It is a shot to the ego for many because most people build their lives around the belief that they are basically a “good person” and do not need any of the Jesus “crap”. Regardless, it is necessary to understand our true nature, the BAD news, before truly understanding the GOOD news.

2) Therefore, there is nothing YOU can do to earn God’s favor. 

This truth was revolutionary to me… particularly because I always felt like God worked this way: You work hard at making good choices in life and, if you are basically a “good” person, you go to heaven. FALSE.

For many people, this truth is offensive. In our “work hard, earn everything” world, people generally do not like being told that they cannot take credit for something. Once again, it hurts their pride. For me and for many Christians, it is disarming. I was offended at first because I felt like all the hard work of being a “good” person MUST count for something right?! No, actually before I put my faith in Christ, I was doing everything in vain and never giving out of gratitude to God. Even if I happily did something good for someone else, I would usually applaud myself afterward thinking, “Wow, I am SUCH a good person.” This led to a self-righteousness that looked down upon others. It also produced pride in my own justification. I didn’t need Jesus to pay for my sins, I could earn his love with my works and he would owe me! It led to a sense of entitlement. 

The truth is, however, I was exhausted. I had been chasing after this invisible moral standard my whole life. “When will I know if I am good enough?”  I would think. “Is there a level of ‘goodness’ that I can graduate to in order to rest assured that I am going to heaven and that God loves me?” And when I would fail or mess up, it felt like the end of the world. Tremendous shame would overcome me. Once I understood that because of my very nature I was unable to attain the favor of God through works, I felt helpless… but then God led me to the most important point… 

3) You don’t have to earn favor with God because Jesus did it for you. 

What?! You’re saying that because I am helpless and unable to earn my place in God’s kingdom, he sent his Son to die in my place and receive the punishment for MY sins? Yes. Beautiful isn’t it?
Many do not think so. I have often wrestled with why anyone would find this part offensive but I get it now.

The fact that Jesus had to endure such pain, persecution, and the fullness of God’s wrath to pay for our sins implies that our sin is much more serious and much bigger than we could ever fathom (point 1). Once again, people do not like to hear anyone tell them that they actually do need a savior. Because if they need a savior, it means they are not good enough by themselves. A shot at the ego once again.
“Christianity is a crutch for the weak.” They’ll say… Sure, what they don’t understand is how weak we ALL are.

4) Jesus literally covers us in his righteousness. 

When we trust in Christ, we are made new. Out with the old and in with the new. The Father now sees us as he sees his holy and perfect Son Jesus: with delight and total favor. We become his children.
Timothy Keller explains it perfectly:

“Jesus’ salvation is not only like receiving a pardon and release from death row and prison. Then we’d be free, but on our own, left to make our own way in the world, thrown back on our own efforts if we’re to make anything of ourselves. But in the gospel, we discover that Jesus has taken us off death row and then has hung around our neck the Congressional Medal of Honor. We are received and welcomed as heroes, as if we had accomplished extraordinary deeds.”
― Timothy Keller, Romans 1-7 For You: For reading, for feeding, for leading

5) True freedom can only be found in Christ

How could we NOT respond to the gospel with a desire to please the Lord? 

Justification and his righteousness should lead us to live righteously. Not to earn God’s favor or a place in heaven (remember we can’t do that), but rather to please God out of a heart of gratitude. Thankfulness should drive us to live holy lives. This process of growing into the likeness of Jesus is called sanctification. This is important because real, true, saving faith always results in a changed life. It always results in good works. As Christians, we may not be sinless on this side of the grave, but we sin less. 

We can now be free from the chains of sin and freely express our love for the Lord without fear of punishment when we fail. We are fully accepted when we trust in Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. It’s about what he DID, not what WE do… this is totally humbling and beautiful and it drives us to love him more.

“I don’t want to be a Christian because I want to truly be free” 
The problem with this statement is that it simply isn’t true. When we are apart from God in Christ, we are slaves to sin. We were created to worship. Therefore, if we are not worshiping God, we are worshiping something else (money, the affirmation of others, success, etc.) None of these things will ever satisfy. Therefore it results in an endless battle. Jesus tells us that, because of the cross, we are already accepted by the one whose opinion matters most. When we understand this, we are no longer slaves to ourselves or our sin but we are free in the Lord.

My overall point is: We should not be surprised when others are offended by Christianity. 

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.  If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” 1 Peter 4: 12-14

The Bible tells us that it is not unusual for people to hate us for our faith:

All Christians, having placed their faith in the Messiah, have had to endure persecution at the hands of sinful men. 

The gospel is described as, “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” 1 Peter 2:8

 Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you…” 1 John 3:13

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:18-19

We should be reminded that it is often a good sign when one is offended… it means their assurances and beliefs have been challenged to the core and even disrupted. It means a seed has been planted. We must remember that it is a miracle ANY of us are saved since none of us can take credit for our salvation. No one is too far from the grace of God.

Lastly, we are given encouragement. Soak it in brothers and sisters:

“But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled” 1 Peter 3:14

Jesus gives us every reason to stand firm in our faith. Christians have a living hope that assures them that they are God’s people. Because we are God’s people we are able to stand firm during persecution and trial.

A snippet from Ligonier’s website regarding 1 Peter: 
“If the Lord of the universe suffered before being exalted, then those who are united to Him by faith will have to suffer as well (2:21–25). But make no mistake, the suffering that is our calling is the suffering that comes for confessing Jesus (4:14–16). Though God can be honored when we acknowledge the justice of the earthly consequences for our sin, let us never endeavor to suffer as evildoers (4:15). Rather, let us follow Christ so that in the trials that result we will fulfill the call to suffer just as He did (2:19–21; 3:8–17; 4:12–19).”

I hope this was encouraging and eye-opening for believers. Remember, He has overcome the world. Do not be afraid of them. We can be put to death and still lose nothing because he has conquered death itself. Those who stand firm in their faith, entrusting themselves to God, are promised one day to be vindicated by the Father. Now go forth and share the good news without fear!

Saturday, October 3, 2015



Is there any practical function of it?
Perhaps not to the unbeliever. 
Yes, anyone can "enjoy" beauty.




To take delight or pleasure in.

But, really. Is there any other function?
For me, and many other believers, it points to a greater reality. 
It is but a glimpse into eternity.

C.S. Lewis says,
“We do not want merely to see beauty... we want something else which can hardly be put into words- to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses, and nymphs and elves.” 

Isn't it true? I mean, when I see beauty, you know... the breathtaking kind. Be it the Oklahoma sky, a mountain range, a wheat field dancing with the wind, or even the uniqueness and softness of a beautiful woman's face... I love to admire it and be captivated by it although it does nothing "essential" for me. 

Many would say that admiring beauty is not necessary for survival. Indeed, if you have food, water, shelter and clothes, you will do just fine. Perhaps. 

But I consider it a privilege and even a necessary ingredient to living fully. Beauty gives me hope and anticipation for when I am finally glorified in Christ. It tells me that the ugliness of this world will one day be overcome by goodness. 

Beauty comes in to an ugly space. It intervenes. Ugliness is the absence of beauty.

Isn't that what God does?
He comes IN to our lives. We don't go out and stumble upon him casually. 
He makes us beautiful and tells us one day, all things will be reconciled in His Son.

For now, we get glimpses of the future.

Here are some breathtaking glimpses from this morning:

Enjoy beauty today, and may it roll up into praise to our Father.