Monday, July 11, 2016

How to turn a house into a haven.

Titus 2:3-5
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Women are called to be keepers of the home. Our God-given role is do our best to provide a place of love and peace for our families. You know the old saying, "Home is where the heart is." 

A home is where we fellowship, where we eat together, where we pray together, where we rest and recharge. It is where we love, pray, eat, and sleep. For these reasons and more, there should be a huge emphasis in your life on making your house a home... or a haven. 
noun: haven; plural noun: havens

a place of safety or refuge.

 My husband works hard all day and I want to provide a place of rest, warmth, and joy for him. Our home is that place. Here are some little ways I've tried to do this in our own house. 

Keep in mind, we don't have a lot of money and I'm pretty frugal so almost everything is from thrift stores, Walmart, purchased with gift cards or off of Craigslist :) You can see a lot of my personality in how we decorated. lol

Come on in! 

Bless this home :)
Fake flowers and mason jars go a long way!
Our dining room: where we eat together, pray together, and have our morning quiet time.
Got these cute shakers from a thrift store, where I get everything.
 Bible is always close by, easy to access :)
A small collection of books, including cookbooks!
 We have a stream of pictures. Photos of sweet memories...
 Coffee... must be readily available at all times! ;)
 sink is spankin' clean here... took some bleach and scrubbin' but I got it done finally ;)

 So many *attempted* and successfully attempted yummy meals have been cooked in this kitchen.

Mmm, the smell of fresh orchard apples! Mine and Eric's fave.

Our Living Room

Our living room. Hymns are playing on Pandora.
Anyone who knows me, knows I love pine cones!

 This is where we put bills and misc. items like envelopes and stamps. Prevents them from building up on our counter :) Also got this at the thrift store.
 Curtains add so much warmth.
"I will cling to the old rugged cross & exchange it someday for a crown"

We hang lots of pictures since we can't paint the walls (darn it, landlord) :)
Our Bedroom
Our bedroom has a softness to it that we love. Eric doesn't even mind all the pink :)
Those are actually balloon curtains from target :) I don't have them pinned up here.

I bought baskets at the thrift store for each side of the bed to include any bedside necessities (tissues, chapstick, phone charger, books, etc.)

My side :)

I LOVE these paintings hung on each side of our bed.

Our bathroom 

I cannot stand a dirty bathroom so I don't even do my hair in here lest I get hair all over the floor. Scrubbing it is my least favorite thing to do but I get it done because dirty bathrooms are just unbearable for me lol...
I love vintage photos...
Aaand another sweet candle :)

guess who!

By far, my favorite bathroom decoration... "Changing the toilet paper will not cause brain damage" ;)

cute containers I bought at a thrift store for maybe 50 cents. I organized my hair stuff in here.
a shower caddy, because ya know... I need everything localized and not sliding all over the tub!

Eric's Office

Eric pretty much handles this room. I don't touch it lest I throw away something important! I just dust and vacuum :)
Caught him unexpectedly! lol
xoxo, A Law Student's Wife

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