Friday, January 27, 2017

Random Stuff

Yesterday was hubby's first day at his legal externship for the Air Force. Isn't he handsome? Oh, and so is Mr. Walker, although he doesn't seem too enthused lol :)

Before this semester started, Eric warned me it would be the busiest one yet. I was a bit distraught by this warning because I felt like every other semester was busy! But so far, it's worked out okay. I do miss him at night three to four nights a week when he gets home late from trial practice but, in light of his warning, I made preparations to help him in any way possible. For example, I made three weeks worth of breakfast and lunch for him, so that he can just grab and go. That's been super helpful for him and me! I also make sure to have laundry, dishes, and house picked up before he gets home. Overall, I've upped my organizational skills just a bit and it's really worked out. I know what you're thinking-- Humble brag! Well, kind of, but really just glad to have found a routine that works for us to help eliminate stress this semester!

On another note, I've been awful lonely and have been seeking ways to resolve this. I made a few new friends this week, which is a feat for an introvert like me! But I am working through some ways I can meet new people and invest in relationships while Eric is busy/gone. 

One more random note, I went to the doctor this week for what I thought was a sebaceous cyst on my ear lobe (ew) but it was just a tiny abscess from my earring.  Anyways, while I was there, I asked him about the keto diet (which I've been on for months -- high fat, low carb) and I told him I just feel so sick on it... as if I am lacking nutrients. I don't usually feel this way at first, but after being on it for a while, I start to question if it is right for me. 

He sighed and told me not to fall for sham diets like keto, atkins, southbeach diet, etc. He said I felt like crap because we NEED carbs and told me "You do not need to be losing weight, you're at a perfect weight for your height." and "If you would like to follow some sort of diet plan, I would follow the Mediterranean diet." 

I then asked about my low blood pressure... every time I go to the doctor and a nurse checks my blood pressure, it's always the same response, "Wow! You have really low blood pressure!! We might want to ask the doctor about this!"

So I asked him and he rolled his eyes at the nurse's responses and said, "I'm not worried at all. You're young, you're female, you're skinny... You're prone to having low blood pressure. I am going to tell you the opposite of what I tell my other patients.. EAT MORE SALT!"

So there you have it, folks... Doctor's orders... more carbs, more salt, and less dieting! Wow... that probably made my week. I came home and told hubs, "Doc says I don't need to lose weight! He said I was skinny!" lol, Eric said, "I've been telling you this for years!" This is the mind of a former anorexic, exercise-bulimic... I have to keep telling myself, "Doc says I'm fine". The older I get, the more I love modern medicine... I'm sorry but I would rather trust a guy with a PhD who has gone to medical school than a crunchy mama who suddenly becomes an expert at vaccines by birthing a child and reading sites with names like hippy dirt mama dot com. And I ain't afraid of "Big Pharma" hahaha. 

So tonight, I'm eating a big salad, some whole grains, and a glass or two of red wine! And I'm not gonna feel guilty. Woot! 

Cheers, A Law Student's Wife

(P.S. I love my new glasses!)

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